Farmborough Church Primary School

Farmborough Church
Primary School

Working Together, Valuing Everyone, Learning for Life
Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School Life at Farmborough Church Primary School

RSHE (Relationships & Sex Education and Health Education)

New guidance requires that from September 2020, the Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education elements of PSHE (Personal, Social Health and Economic) Education are statutory in Primary Schools in England. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the DfE has said that delivery of this can begin in schools during the summer terms of 2021. Part of the process for the introduction of these new elements involves adopting a new policy and consulting with families. This is taking place from the 19th to the 28th March and documents relating to this have been emailed to all families and can also be found below.

'Understanding Relationships and Health Education Guide’ from the DfE

RSHE Policy Consultation Letter

RSHE Draft policy March 2021