Farmborough Church Primary School

Farmborough Church
Primary School

Working Together, Valuing Everyone, Learning for Life
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Fox Class Autumn 2024

Welcome to

Foxes' Class


Class Teachers: Miss Woods and

Ms McGuinness     


Miss Wood teaches on Monday and Tuesday

Ms McGuinness on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 


For Term 1 we will be having a geography Focus:

England v Italy

Term 2 we will be having a History focus:

The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain




Click here to see our Topic Web to see what we will be learning over the next two terms and the questions we would like to find the answers to. 

 Bitesize and BBC TEACH has some useful videos and texts to look at and read.


Our class reader and book for some of our

Guided Reading is the amazing

‘The Butterfly Lion’


A lyrical and moving tale of a young boy growing up in Africa, and his lifelong friendship with a white lion.

“All my life I’ll think of you, I promise I will. I won’t ever forget you.”

Bertie rescues an orphaned white lion cub from the African veld. They are inseparable until Bertie is sent to boarding school far away in England and the lion is sold to a circus. Bertie swears that one day they will see one another again, but it is the butterfly lion which ensures that their friendship will never be forgotten.


Some useful information about this year:

P.E. Your child will be having P.E lessons on Wednesday afternoons and in Terms 1 and 2 Foxes will be swimming on Monday. Please can your child come wearing their named P.E. kit on Wednesdays and on Monday bring their swimming kits in (towel, goggles, swimming hat, swimming costume/swimming trunks) 

Foxes’ swimming lessons will be on Monday afternoons, along with Y6 at Paulton Pool again. Dates are: 

16th, 23rd, 30th September;

14th, 21st October;

4th, 11th, 18th, 25th November;

2nd, 9th December


Homework will be given out each week, alternating between Tuesdays (Miss Woods) or Wednesdays (Ms McGuinness) and handed in a week later. Homework will be either Topic, Maths or Literacy.  It could be paper based or using Purple Mash, which will be set as a 'To Do' on your child's Purple Mash account.


 Click below for the homework timetables for each term as a reminder of when and who is giving out the homework each week:

Term 1; Term 2; Term 3; Term 4; Term 5 and Term 6.


Spelling words will be given out on Mondays and tested on Fridays. Please can you ensure your child writes them out a further two times in their home-school book.  


Times Tables will be practised throughout the week and tested on Fridays.  We will go through these tables, in this order:

x2  x5  x10  x3  x6  x4  x8  x7  x9  x11  x12

If your child doesn't achieve full marks 13/13, then they will have the opportunity the following week to have another go.  We would rather them be secure in a table, before proceeding to the next one.


Doodle Maths: Your child has a subscription to Doodle Maths and we recommend that they spend 10 minutes a day using Doodle Maths to develop their numeracy skills. 


Home School Books: Your child will be given a home-school book at the start of Term 1, Term 3 and Term 5.  They will be expected to bring these books into school everyday.  On Monday they will copy their spelling words to learn for that week into the first column. At home they need to copy these words out two more times in the 2nd and 3rd column. Please can your child record what they have read during the week and if an adult can sign it so that they can earn points, which will go towards reading certificates and a chance to choose a new book when they have read 100 times at home. There is also a section for them to practise their multiplication tables.


Maths Frame is a fantastic free resource to help learn and practise your multiplication tables.


Hero of the Week


Your children have been asked to think about a hero: dead, alive, known personally, do not know personally, who they admire and respect. We would like them to talk to the class about this person for a couple of minutes - they can use a Powerpoint, photographs, objects to assist them with this.  Confidence in speaking out loud to an audience is something we like to develop in our children.

Here is the rota (initials only)  for the year.



Please can you ensure that all clothes and equipment are named or labelled.  


Additional activities:

  • Books for Topics have amazing links to free readings of lots of really popular books. 
  • The Book Trust have some amazing activities available, including authors reading their books allowed and illustrators teaching you how to draw.
  • NRICH has lots of interesting Maths activities and challenges, as does I see Maths