Happy New Year - it's Term 3. Our Christian Value focus for this term is PERSEVERANCE.
Please make a note of the dates below and look out for further announcements in the newsletter for all that will be taking place.
06.01.25 Start of Term 3.
10.01.25 'JIGSAW' Wellbeing day in House Groups.
20.01.25 Start of our STEM Fortnight.
31.01.25 End of our STEM Fortnight.
03.02.25 Children's Mental Health Week.
06.02.25 Year 6 trip to the Lifeskills Centre.
07.02.25 9.15am Hedgehogs' Class Assembly for families.
11.02.25 Safer Internet Day.
13.02.25 Year 4/5 Wheelchair Basketball trip to Culverhay sports centre. End of Term 3.
14.02.25 Inset Day.
24.02.25 Inset Day.
25.02.25 Start of Term 4 / Book Week.
26.02.25 Bedtime Story evening - timings tbc.
03.03.25 Pupil Progress Meetings week.
06.03.25 World Book Day.
01.04.25 9.15am Robins' Class Assembly. 6.30pm Dance Umbrella Performance at The Forum in Bath.
03.04.25 9.15am Otters' Class Assembly.
04.04.25 9.30am Palm Sunday Service at All Saints' Church. End of Term 4.
22.04.25 Start of Term 5.
23.04.25 Y4/5 Field to Food Trip.
12.05.25 Year 6 SATS week.
23.05.25 End of Term 5.
02.06.25 Start of Term 6.
04.06.24 Y4/5/6 Forest School Day at Chelwood Camp.
06.06.25 2.30pm Badgers' Class Assembly.
09.06.25 Year 1 Phonics Screening Check week.
12.06.24 Foxes trip to Stonehenge. Year 6 Leavers' Service at Bath Abbey.
27.06.25 2.30pm Squirrels' Class Assembly.
01.07.25 Hedgehogs, Robins and Otters trip to Longleat.
04.07.25 2.30pm Foxes' Class Assembly.
11.07.25 Climbing Tower Activity Day.
22.07.25 End of Term 6.